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Bloor Homes, Fradley

Have your say to help shape emerging proposals for a landscape-led development of beautiful homes set amongst extensive green public open space.

Family-owned, five star housebuilder, Bloor Homes, is proposing a landscape-led development of high quality family and affordable homes, alongside local highways improvements and community facilities, on land east of Fradley.

The new neighbourhood of up to 280 high-quality homes is proposed for land to the east of Church Lane on the northern side of Fradley lane. The emerging outline plans are for a landscape-led development, with approximately 50% of the site area provided as open space, including landscaped green public open space with walking and cycling routes. Existing trees and the majority of hedgerows will be retained and augmented with significant additional planting. The plans will also provide a range of community facilities and a package of improvements to the local highways network.

Our emerging proposals

Bloor Homes is preparing an outline planning application for the site, which will seek to provide:

  • A landscape-led development providing up to 280 high quality homes in a range of styles and tenures to meet local housing need, with circa 50% of the site area provided as open space, including extensive landscaped public open space.
  • Up to 40% of the new homes (circa 112) would be affordable homes, providing opportunities for key workers and people on low incomes to secure a home of their own in Fradley.
  • As part of the housing mix, there are opportunities to provide homes for people looking to downsize into more manageable homes or secure an accessible property, including bungalows.
  • Retention of existing trees and the majority of hedgerows, enhanced by additional planting.
  • Extensive green public open space and habitat creation, boosting the biodiversity value of the site to exceed both national and local level Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) requirements.  
  • A range of community open space facilities to be informed by local feedback.
  • Play facilities for young people in the new neighbourhood and the wider community for which there is an identified need in Fradley.
  • A community building that could fulfil a range of uses and the potential to provide a pub, to be informed by local aspirations and feedback.
  • A network of walking and cycling routes through extensive green public open space on land that has previously been largely inaccessible to the public. Existing public rights of way will also be retained and enhanced to improve accessibility for the whole community.
  • A package of highways safety improvements, including a new roundabout and extension of the 30mph speed limit on Fradley Lane, an improved junction of Fradley Lane and Church Lane, provision of a bus stop on Church Lane, extensive walking and cycling infrastructure provision, and land safeguarded for any potential future improvements to the A38 slip road.
  • A sustainable development, with the potential for all homes provided with PV cells and air source heat pumps, in addition to EV charging infrastructure, and very high levels of insulation and energy efficiency.
  • Significant investment into local infrastructure such as healthcare and education, informed by consultation with statutory bodies such as the NHS and local education authority and secured via legal agreement.
  • A housebuilder-led proposal, which will be delivered by Bloor Homes.

What is an outline planning application?

An Outline planning application establishes broad principles of development, such as access arrangements, illustrative concept layout, number of homes and general extent of development. If outline planning consent is granted, we would then prepare a detailed planning called a Reserved Matters planning application. This would include more detail such as architecture, materials, detailed layout and landscaping, and would be subject to further consultation with the local community.

Have your say

We want to ensure that the proposals for a high-quality development in Fradley align as much as possible with the needs and aspirations of the local community.

In addition to delivering a range of new homes that meet the needs of the district, alongside a community building and extensive green public open spaces, the emerging plans will deliver improvements to the local highways network and generate investment into improvements to local infrastructure and services in Fradley and the surrounding area.

Bloor Homes has created this website to provide an opportunity for members of the community to view our emerging plans and provide feedback on your priorities for new homes, open spaces and facilities in Fradley to help shape a development that meets the needs of the local community now and in the future.

Once you have had an opportunity to read an overview of the proposals, and view the emerging concept plan on our interactive map you can have your say via our feedback questionnaire. We will be updating this website following our consultation with information about the planning application and you can sign up to receive email updates as the plans progress by selecting the “opt-in” option on the feedback questionnaire or the contact form. Please note that feedback should be submitted by midday on Friday 6 December 2024.


Pre-application consultation

November 2024

An opportunity for local people to provide feedback on our emerging plan.

Outline planning application submitted

December 2024 to January 2025

We will submit our outline planning application for the development to Lichfield District Council and update this website with information about the submitted plans. 

Statutory Consultation

January 2025

Lichfield District Council will carry out their own statutory consultation on our submitted plans, seeking feedback from statutory bodies such as Fradley Parish Council, the local NHS, education providers and highways authorities, as well as members of the public.

Planning application determined

In line with Lichfield District Council planning timescales

Lichfield District Council will make a decision on the granting of planning permission.

Reserved matters planning application

Later 2025

Should outline planning permission be granted, we will then prepare a detailed Reserved Matters application covering details such as architecture, landscaping, materials etc. This will involve further consultation with the community on these matters of detail. 

Find out more and have your say: